A pro-choice organization in Virginia has finished a year long investigation of Virginia crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) and claims that women are consistently given false medical information in them.
Over the course of the year the group claims to have heard the following tall tales from CPCs:
“Hormonal contraception will make your hair fall out.”
“Condoms are naturally porous, so they don’t protect against STIs.”
“Taking the birth control pill is like putting a
small child on steroids.”
“Sometimes the IUD grows into the tissue of the
“Abortions are performed with hooks.”
“The rhythm method is scientifically proven to be the most effective form of contraception.”
If they are really passing out this kind of medical misinformation, it is particularly disturbing because these CPCs are also publicly funded through the sale of “Choose Life” license plates.
While I don’t condone lying or scaring people to support ones cause, I am wondering if you could have done more fact checking of the Virginia Pro Choice organization before posting this?
If indeed this is the information these clinics gave out, they need to be exposed and the correct information shared with their clients.
All I have is the NARAL report, which I presented as a claim not as a fact. My own experience with CPC’s has been similar. We had one at the church I work at when I first arrived. Their lies was part of what led me to investigate the matter and become prochoice. In my decades of pro-choice work, I have heard such absurd claims made on a regular basis.