University Methodist Church in Austin has a dynamic youth director who is also an out lesbian. Mary Ann was on her way to ordination until she was removed from the list of certified candidates because of her sexual orientation.
John Elford Senior Pastor of University Methodist is asking us to rally to support this exceptional candidate for ministry. The Bishop is in the process of making a decision and might do the right thing if he hears from enough concerned people. You do not have to be Methodist to share your thoughts on this matter with the Bishop.
Rev. Elford has sent out two links:
In case you have not heard the news:
None of us is innocent when we remain silent at a time of injustice. None of us is little when we do speak and act out of the spirit of a larger world. For when we say or do the right thing, even in small ways, we move humanity one step closer to a world where everyone has a place.
Feel free to pass this on.
It might be helpful for those who are not familiar with United Methodist polity to understand that the Bishop has relatively little say in Mary Ann’s progress toward ordination. The chief responsibility lies in the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. They dropped her name from the list of approved candidates, though she had been recommended by her local church and by the Austin District of the United Methodist Church. The Conference Board is not supposed to take such consequential action without interviewing the candidate. They did not follow the procedure set out in our church rules as set forth in the Book of Discipline. The Bishop is being asked to render a decision of law that proper procedure was not followed. This decision would then, if upheld by the Judicial Council, force the Board to reinstate Mary Ann on the list of approved candidates and allow her due process.
Thanks for the clarification Ginny.