Sometimes when politics gets to painful to bear, satire feels like a soothing ointment.
“CHARLOTTE, NC—With the savage roar of the heathen Democratic horde rising all around him, President Barack Obama delivered an incendiary speech to close his party’s national convention Thursday night, commanding the ultraprogressive minions in attendance to help him “destroy Jesus and usher in a new age of liberal darkness that shall reign o’er the earth for a thousand years.””
(Thanks to Bob Dailey for the link),29478/?ref=auto
I’m sure the evangelical nitwits that thought the Onion article HARRY POTTER LEADS CHILDREN TO SORCERY was actually true are sending out emails by the millions.
I know my cousin Billy parrots that glenn beck,david barton and ken ham crap.
There’s a sucker born every two minutes and one guy with a sharp mind to prove that most most morons will believe every rumor,conspiracy theory that comes.along and.can’t separate fact from.reality.