Fund Texas Women is a new group supplying transportation and lodging for women who have lost reproductive care because of Texas’ new law expected to close all but a handful of abortion providers in Texas.
The group has a Facebook page and a webpage ( that can already take donations.
Faith Voices for Choice is another new group that will work on behalf reproductive justice in the coming years. We met at the offices of Texas Freedom Network who will help co-ordinate our efforts. Also there was the national Executive Director of Catholics for Choice. The group seems very eager to help Fund Texas Women.
As soon as Faith Voices for Choice can take in members I will provide that link.
I am still am hoping we can do some fundraising for the Fund Texas Women group so no one gets left in the lurch. Perhaps people can suggest times and places to meet to get our efforts off the ground. The Fund Texas Women people are available to meet at house gatherings and such.
I have donated to encourage Fund Texas Women and hope others will do so as well.
Thank you so much Martha. I hope people do that, too.