Brit Hume was asked about the Chris Christie bridge scandal, he responded with a quote that should go down in the annals of patriarchy:

“Well, I would have to say that in this sort of feminized atmosphere in which we exist today, guys who are masculine and muscular like that in their private conduct, kind of old fashion tough guys, run some risk.

…By which I mean that men today have learned the lesson the hard way that if you act like a kind of an old fashioned guy’s guy, you’re in constant danger of slipping out and saying something that’s going to get you in trouble and make you look like a sexist or make you look like you seem thuggish or whatever. That’s the atmosphere in which he operates. This guy is very much an old fashioned masculine, muscular guy, and there are political risks associated with that. Maybe it shouldn’t be, but that’s how it is.”

It is yet to be established whether Gov. Christie is guilty of a thuggish act of petty political revenge, but Brit Hume’s credentials for the good old boy’s club are clearly all in order.