Thanks to Nettie Reynolds, T.J. Griffin, and David Marks for setting up this blog. It’s obviously still bare bones, but I’m hoping this will be a place for a meeting of radical politics with the religion of universal love. I’m hoping this can be a place where the scientist, the humanist, the revolutionary, the artist and the mystic can co-habit. I don’t know how we can save our world without all of these elements.
I HOPE I CAN FINALLY FIGURE OUT WHERE YOU ARE REALLY COMING FROM (HA HA!) seems spiritual, seems leftist, seems metaphysical-even sometimes seems a bit “right” – so with the premise GOD IS GOOD, all of these comments above describe ME TOO (haha) – so my old youthful “magic trick expert from the 5th grade (remember??) – get it on…………….I’ll be watching
-mark Dombrowsky (Methadist, Christian, Right of center on some, left on some, VERY independent on much also am a kinda’ confusing car-loving, exercise and yoga loving guy married 26 years and loving it!
Hey Mark,
Let me know if you figure me out. I’d say I’m limping in the tradition of Schweitzer, Gandhi, MLK, Tolstoy, etc. Trying to transcend the left right dichotomy and stand up for universal human rights.
I remember you very well Mark. Proud to have you stop by for my first day at the blog.
Best of luck with your new blog Jim. I will be definitely be reading.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Hello there, I adore your blog. Is there some thing I can do to receive updates like a subscription or some thing? I’m sorry I’m not acquainted with RSS?
Rene, I am just learning the ropes. I don’t know what RSS is either. I see the button and that’s about all. I have friends that are teaching me, but they have limits to their available time. When and if I get that figured out, I’ll email back. Thank you for your inteest.