Texas Buddha once answered his door to greet a man selling bibles. He asked the salesman, “What do I get if I buy your bible?” The salesman was a little taken back, but answered, “This bible tells you how to be good. It has stories about the great men and women of our faith.” Texas Buddha frowned and asked, “Why would I want to buy the scattered bones of a dead lion?” Shaking his head, he closed the door.

The salesman was rattled, but he knocked again. When the door opened, he blurted out, “This Bible also contains wisdom you can use to live wisely today. It is a handbook for living.” Texas Buddha examined the book, and said, “That is better. Now at least you are following the lion’s footprints.” But, again, he closed the door.

Now the salesman was truly shaken. He thought for a moment about why he really turned to scripture, and why he was religious at all. Finally, he knocked a third time. “I read scripture because I want to learn to love.” Reaching for his wallet, the Texas Buddha smiled. ”And that is the lion’s roar.”