I am an animal person, and a vegetarian, but I will not watch a PETA add because I know it will usually objectify women. I’m tired of the nude and scantily clad starlets urging us to vegetarianism. I’m tired of trying to make the issue “sexy” at the cost of women’s dignity. If PETA is in favor of vegetarianism why do they treat women like meat?
To read the article, click here
Actually, I stopped supporting PETA a few years ago when they ran an ad showing a plus-sized person, with some kind of cruel, demeaning text. As a person of size, who has had cruel things said to me for my whole life (I clearly remember being teased by my dad about being fat when I was 9. When, by the way, I wasn’t fat, I have pictures), I really took exception to this. I e-mailed PETA, telling them my story, how the cruel things people said affected me, etc. The reply was that the ad was “tough love”, and that people needed to be told that they’re fat so they can reform their ways. I actually continued the exchange, telling them more about how really painful that kind of thing is, pointing out that it is actually bullying, etc. They still justified their ad. So – no more support for PETA from me. If you can justify saying mean things to people just because we’re fat (not because of any cruelty to animals or anything like that, just on size alone), then I don’t have room for you in my life. I read the article & this ad looks like it came from the same kind of mentality. Stupid.
Thanks Becky. I’m sorry you had to go through that. This sounds like people who are just doing a job. I can’t imagine a real animal lover who wouldn’t realize that people are animals too, and need to be protected from cruelty as well.